I sure loved this cute owl that Lyndsey gave to Malinda for the Fall Swap!

Thanks for sharing with us Lyndsey and Can't wait to get to know you better!
I am Lyndsey and I love creating. I am a mother to 2 crazy kids .. they take up most of my time. We are a very close little family and do just about everything together. I love it that way!! Can I just say how much I love swaps - we look forward to each one!!
2.What are your favorite materials to craft with?
Hands down- SPRAY PAINT!! I seriously try to spray paint everything.. it is addicting. It provides a new life to anything.. plus its easy to change if it doesn't turn out just right. I would seriously be happy with a diet coke in one hand and a can of spray paint in the other.
3.What keeps you motivated and inspired?
I LOVE pinterest- if you have yet to check it out you MUST!! I also have a long list of favorite bloggers that inspire me. I love to change things in my home - so blogging and crafting gives me a great outlet to do that!!
4. What do you think is most rewarding about crafting?
I love making something that has my personal stamp on it. I love walking around my home and seeing the things that I have contributed with my own hands. I think it awesome to create something different then what you could pick up on a shelf at a store. It doesn't hurt either when someone sees something you have made and loves it :)
I am showing you how I created the little wood owl. I feel kind of like a cheater because I did not actually do anything beside paint and decorate this owl.. but I hope you will like it anyways.
I picked him up unfinished at a local wood craft store..

So I am not great at tutorials .. mainly because I struggle with patience and get way ahead of myself before I realize I forgot to take pictures. So here are the pieces already painted..
I sanded all the pieces and applied glitter to the wings. I use modge podge to make the glitter stick - its the easiest way I have found that doesn't make a huge mess.

Again- horrible blogger time: I cut a small piece of scrap book paper and modge podge it on Mr. Owls tummy and for his little eye balls I cut some small vinyl circles. I used the glue gun to attach all the pieces Thats it!! Easy right? Maybe to0 easy!! Thanks for letting me show you anyways :)

I love my owl, it's super cute! And I love the mod podge idea for glitter! I'm going to try that!